We would like to thank you for considering the Operation ROUND UP Program. If you choose to participate, each month, you will see your bill from Southern Public Power District “rounded up” to the nearest whole dollar amount.
The funds collected from participating customers are distributed to a variety of projects in our service region through a grant application process.
Since this program began, a total of $269,799 has been distributed! Some of our recipients have included volunteer fire departments, parks, community centers, libraries, county hospitals and more.

The projects selected for grants are reviewed by a seven-member board of directors, one representing each of Southern’s seven counties. Each applicant is reviewed against guidelines established, and grants are awarded up to $2,500 each. Applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis.

Jay Meyer, Franklin County; Terry Connick, Hall County; Mark Utter,
Adams County; Terry Sorenson, Kearney County; Jayne Smith,
Hamilton County; and Bill Bolte, Merrick County.
If you would like to sign up today, contact our Customer Services Department at 800-579-3019 or customerservice@southernpd.net.